
August 16, 2024

Preventing stomach ulcers

There is "something" with your horse but you can't really determine exactly what this "something" is. His performance is declining, he is not eating as well. He is even starting...
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Detoxing, the liver in balance

Detox or detoxification is a term used for cleansing the light body. The horse's body detoxifies itself of waste products and toxins. The liver plays an important role in this...
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The Gut in Balance

A gut flora in good condition delivers top performance daily, it keeps our horse healthy and energetic and is indispensable for a functioning immune system.
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Balanced by seaweed?

But is seaweed so good for horses? Seaweed is an ideal source of protein, vitamins and minerals. In addition, seaweed contains fiber and many bioactive ingredients that have various positive...
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When you need the Xtra Mile – Ketones give you wings

You know that feeling? You ride into the ring and it seems like your horse just won't move forward. Ketones make all the difference!
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Super fast recovery

During exercise, there is a natural loss of fluid and electrolytes through sweat. However, these elements are essential for tissue repair and proper muscle and nervous system function.
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