Balanced by seaweed?

We use unique combinations of selected seaweeds in many of our products.
Seaweed has been eaten by humans for centuries, more than 10,000 years ago, Chinese used it for thyroid swelling, for example.
The Romans used it as a remedy for joint problems.

Seaweed for horses

But is seaweed so good for horses?
Seaweed is an ideal source of protein, vitamins and minerals.
In addition, seaweed contains fiber and many bioactive ingredients that have various positive effects on health.

Effect of seaweed on horse health

A selected seaweed blend can reduce acidification in the colon and improve nutrient absorption.
Seaweed is a perfect ingredient in the horse’s diet, especially if the horse suffers from a sensitive stomach or impaired digestion.

What types of seaweed are there?

There are lots of seaweed species that grow under different conditions in different parts of the world.
We can divide all these species into three main categories: green, red and brown.
It is important to understand which bioactive compounds are found in which seaweed species in order to incorporate the ideal combination into feed or supplements.
This can support the digestive and immune systems.

Digest Comfort

In this way, seaweed contributes to excellent basic condition and has a direct effect on your horse’s vitality, appearance and performance.

The Digest Comfort supplement is specially designed for horses with a sensitive stomach or impaired digestion.
The uniquely selected seaweed blend reduces acidification in the colon and improves nutrient absorption.

Author: Dr. Hilde Vrancken
