Optimal protection and restoration of the gut

Did you know that diarrhea is a Greek word with the meaning “flowing through”?
Horses with diarrhea have thin, watery manure and the horses fatten more and more often than usual.
Good sense of word choice they do have in the Greek language.

Diarrhea or manure water in horses:

Diarrhea is common in horses; it is a sign that something is not right with digestion.
Because the intestinal contents are too thin, they pass too quickly and water and nutrients are absorbed worse.

Causes of diarrhea or manure water:

Diarrhea can have several causes, the most common are listed below:

  • dental problems
  • stress
  • eating sand
  • worm infections
  • viruses
  • bacteria
  • toxins
  • diet-related disturbances of intestinal flora
  • horses also sometimes react with diarrhea to certain medications

Florian OptiFlor:

The OptiFlor is the newest product in the Florian Finest Enrichment line.
The OptiFlor is a highly innovative “gut conditioner” that can support the horse in repairing and protecting the gut wall.

The OptiFlor, a unique paste

The OptiFlor paste is a unique combination of the latest generation butyric acid products, yucca and tormentil as plant extracts, supplemented with the essential oils eugenol, cinnamon, thymol and oregano.

This technology delivers the product into the small intestine where it attaches to specific cell receptors that release a number of peptides (proteins) with the following properties:

  • optimizing food passage
  • improve bowel perfusion
  • increase absorption of electrolytes and water resulting in drier manure
  • increase pancreatic secretion (1) which promotes digestion
  • antimicrobial activity

More than “a paste for diarrhea”

The same receptor cells are found in spleen and monocytes (2) so OptiFlor will also support the immune system.
The plant extracts and essential oils also provide support for mucosal inflammation, cramps and removal of waste products.

(1) Pancreatic secretion: the secretion of fluid by cells, in this case digestive juices by the pancreas (the pancreas).

(2) Monocytes are a type of white blood cells.

Note: If the horse has diarrhea for a while, it can be very innocent but it can also have a serious cause.
So it is important to look for the cause with your veterinarian when in doubt.

Author: Dr. Hilde Vrancken
