Florian Muscle Power


Florian Muscle Power keeps muscles supple and supports muscle building and recovery.
Muscle Power is composed of highly digestible proteins from plant sources and high-quality spirulina. Content: 2.6 kg

SKU: 8719327566909 Categorie: Tag:

This product is going out of our range and will be replaced by Duval Multipower

Read more about the collaboration between Florian and Duval here

————————————————————————————————— With our Florian supplements from the Finest Enrichment line, you can perfectly fine-tune your horse’s ration. Our supplements are formulated with the utmost care from natural products. It is therefore a natural support! Florian Muscle Power keeps muscles supple and supports muscle building and recovery.
Muscle Power is composed of highly digestible proteins from plant sources and high-quality spirulina.
In addition, Muscle Power is a source of vitamins and minerals.
Florian Muscle Power:

  • Helps with muscle maintenance, building and recovery
  • with high-quality spirulina
  • contains many vitamins and minerals
  • Consists of easily digestible proteins from plant sources

Feed recommendation:

Maintenance: 10 grams per 100kg.
body weight.
Booster cure (maximum 1 month): 20 grams per 100kg.
body weight.
(For pregnant mares, start with the maintenance dose).