
diarrhea horse

Auxiliaries for stomach and intestines

The ingredients in the Florian First Care granola are real helpers for the horse's stomach and intestines. Read more about First Care's ingredients in this blog.
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Next Year, Next Gen for mare and foal

Next year, next gen. At the start of the new year, most pregnant mares begin the third trimester of pregnancy. High time to provide the pregnant mare and the expected...
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VitaFlor, for vital gut flora

A vital horse with VitaFlor through healthy intestinal flora. As an extra helping hand we have included a new product in our finest enrichement line in addition to our digest...
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Optimal protection and restoration of the gut

Diarrhea is common in horses; it is a sign that something is not right with digestion. Because the intestinal contents are too thin, they pass too quickly and water and...
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