Guest blog Chaja Voest: A horse is not a car

Guest blog Chaja Voest: A horse is not a car

A horse is not a car.
It does not have an engine that you can get tuned up in the garage, no perfect tire pressure, and a “quick fix” generally does not exist.

Everyone knows this.

Everyone says this.

And yet we hear stories every week from people who “just take their horse away so he’ll do it again.

Don’t get me wrong, sometimes it can be incredibly wise to bring in a professional to teach your horse something you can’t manage yourself.
Because you have become afraid, lack experience, are not fast enough or just don’t know what to do.

After all, the saying “Trust comes on foot and goes on horseback” does come from somewhere, and in this case applies to both horse and rider.

Let’s get back to the point: even though a training period with a professional is sometimes very wise, after that (or rather: before!) it only begins.
After all, the main reason you have a horse is because you want to have fun with it.

On Field Trip.

Or competition.

Or just in your own lane, pasture or backyard.

You together, that is the essence.
And that means you have to learn things together to move forward.
To grow as a combination.
To get to know each other, to see what your horse’s needs are, to learn to recognize his signals and learn to speak his language.
To understand him so that you can always help him.
So that he is not stressed, knows what to expect, and therefore enjoys working with you.
He understands your commands, knows that a reward is coming, and enjoys the positive attention.

The FSA offers courses and training based on natural behavior, learning ability and biomechanics of horses.
Our method is scientifically proven to produce 70% less stress in horses than traditional training methods.
All official bodies (KNHS, ORUN, FNRS, NRTO) recognize us as a professional training center.
You do not need a competition classification, certain type of horse or level to come train with us, everyone is welcome.
Would you like more information about our training programs?
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