Mixed roughage, nice and healthy. A nice slogan, but what does it really say? We all remember the first time we had to eat Brussels sprouts when we were little. Not tasty, but healthy. For most, brussels sprouts will have gotten tastier over time, so then it becomes “Tasty healthy.
If we look at the feeding of horses, we see that many “treats” are often fed. Most horses find silage more palatable than hay, but is it better? We don’t think so, because hay, due to its higher dry matter content and being alkaline, comes closer to the horse’s natural needs in our opinion.
Now if we feed only hay with some concentrate with it? Then the hay as roughage is a one-sided ration and then your horse has only 1 source of fiber and crude fiber. This is why we choose to mix more forage, which provides a mixed forage ration. Because of the greater variety in fiber and crude fiber, a more varied digestion will take place in the blind and colon. Therefore, in our opinion, mixed forage is the ideal base of any ration!
In addition to the various fiber and crude fiber sources, our roughage products contain an oil. An oil was deliberately chosen to keep it “nice and healthy. This is because oil is a very good source of energy for horses: it provides energy from fat, which gives a lot of energy that a horse can function well on. We abandoned the choice to make it really tasty with a sugary product in it, in order to be really ‘tasty healthy’ as well. We want our mixed roughage to be the vegetable and fruit for the horses. As the basis of every ration. In addition, we recommend supplementing the ration with dry hay so that your horse gets enough roughage daily (about 1.5-2% of body weight in dry matter).
So if you also want your horse to have a nice healthy diet, choose a mixed roughage as the basis of the ration!